Happy Thanksgiving, but NO THANKS for the X-TRA LBS!!!

“It’s Thanksgiving, so let’s splurge!”

Do you pack on an extra 2, 5, or 10 pounds from splurging? Most of us do knowing it’s going to happen and do it anyway.

” Oh, I’ll just hit the gym tomorrow and next week really hard.”

The problem is a lot of us keep that extra weight gain year round. Sometimes it becomes a snowball effect and more weight gets added on.

Thanksgiving doesn’t have to make you fatter.

Here are some tips that you can use to enjoy Thanksgiving without the quilt.

1] Squeeze in exercise [ yes, on Thanksgiving ]:

Whatever time you are waking up that day, set your alarm a half an hour earlier. Get up and go for a brisk walk. Get family members to come along for the extra support. Do intervals of anything your heart desires. Every 2 minutes do 20 jumping jacks, or sprint for 30 seconds, or run in place for 30-60 seconds. Do this walk/ interval for 25-30 minutes. Going outside isn’t an option? Do a circuit  of 20 jumping jacks, walking in place with 20 high knees, 30 second plank hold, do butt kicks with arms up for 30 seconds,walk in place with 20 high knees again, and 30 second plank hold again. Rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat. Do as many rounds, with resting in between as you can for 25 minutes and take the last 5 minutes to cool down and stretch.This will give you great energy to start your day. It will wake you up and make you feel Alive!

By getting up a half an hour earlier and doing this, your day has already begun on the right foot. This will be motivation to continue the day positively. * Note: Do this before eating *

2] Eat Breakfast!

If you skip breakfast because you want to save your appetite for that turkey dinner, you are in for sabotage.

What you miss in breakfast, you will make up at dinner and then some! You will load your plate up with carbs because that’s what you will be craving and you will overeat.

Eating breakfast will save you! Eat a healthy breakfast with all the stuff you need to not only get you through the day, but keep you from overeating by plating more veggies and protein.

An example of this is eggwhites or whole eggs [ not fried in butter ], broccoli, spinach, avocado, tomatoes [ pick and choose ]. With it you can enjoy a slice of whole grain bread or a bowl of old fashioned oatmeal with cinnamon. Include any fruit of your choice [ no more than a 1/2 a cup.

This is just an example of a healthy breakfast that will keep you from overeating and give you that much needed energy throughout the day.

3] Eat before dinner.

Have a healthy snack before dinner. Either at home before leaving or in the car if it’s a long trip. Something like nuts, yogurt, and a piece of fruit. Low fat greek yogurt with fruit in it works well too. Yes, I’m telling you to eat again. This is the trick- not starving yourself until dinner.

4] Portion Size.

There are so many choices and so many calories that go along with them.

Here’s a little personal story:

One of my clients Sharon [ If you’re reading this, Hi Sharon! ] recently went to Paris. She was worried about gaining weight because of all the delectables there. As I’m listening, she turned to me and solved her own dilemma. She said, ” Instead of getting servings of the delicious deserts, I will just take a taste.” On top of that, she waited until the very last day to enjoy these tastes! Now this is a woman in tune with her goals!

So when loading up your plate, start with salad, vegetables, and your protein. Then just very small portions of your carbs/starch [ potatoes, stuffing, etc… ] Only drizzle a little gravy on top for flavor. Getting a taste of those yummy mashed potatoes and stuffing is all you need. Something my grandfather taught me to do was to eat in a circle. Take a bite of one thing and work around your plate. Eat slowly and take time to chew. Drinking a tall glass of water beforhand will also assist in controlling your appetite.

Bread? Just forget about it! Bread & butter….Uhhhhh…..If you skip it, you wont miss it. Enjoy the good food instead.

Stick to 1 plate!!! No seconds!!! If you ate breakfast, and had a healthy snack before dinner, and drank a full glass of water before eating dinner, you should be satiated. Wanting more because it just tastes so good and being genuinely hungry for more are two different things [ although the sensation feels the same-DON’T BE FOOLED!] Besides, you want some desert, dont you?

Yes to dessert! One piece of your favorite pie or cake will make it all worth it. Again, eat slowly and take the time to enjoy it. Only 1 piece though!

Don’t forget that beverages add calories too. The best route is to stick with good old fashioned H2o. Having a small glass of cider or anything containing sugar wont kill you, but if you want something sweet, why not save those liquid calories and wait for dessert. As far as alcohol is concerned, I’ve never had any on Thanksgiving. I don’t see a need to. But if it’s something you choose, again, just stick to 1 glass of wine or beer. If you ask me- I would skip it and just enjoy the day and that delectable dessert!

5] More Exercise?

This is not a joke. I am serious.

How about a family walk around the block after dinner. Or if going outside isn’t an option, having a dance party. Why not? You can start burning some of those calories right away! And if you did your morning workout, the you are on the right track for sure!

So Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be about just eating and then spending the rest of the year regretting it.

Thanksgiving is about spending time with your family and staying as healthy as possible so you can be here to spend many more Thanksgivings with them. Hey, you never know who you’re inspiring. Not everyone will eat and go about things the healthier way. In fact, you might be the only one. Don’t change your mind because of this. Stay the course! You will be an inspiration! Besides, why sabotage yourself just to fit in. This is your family, not high school. They will commend you for your healthy lifestyle whether they join in or not.

I hope this shed some light on how not to add those extra pounds during Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving to All & Many Blessings!

Hugs,Health,& Happiness

Bernadette Ricci – xoxo

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